Have you ever noticed how often now technologies and development methods are changing? How quickly are new frameworks and libraries releasing and gaining popularity? Especially when talking about web development, because at the moment it is the most rapidly growing sector.

We believe that you have heard about React JavaScript framework, a free library from the Facebook developers, which is used on many modern websites. And yes, we want to talk about reasons to choose reactjs for your project.


How it was before. Even 10-15 years ago, the site looked like an ordinary set of segmentary static HTML-pages and interaction with a specific resource was constructed in a way that the client (browser) had to ask for every new page of the site separately. If we describe it in simple words, the client sends a request to the server, and the server, in its turn, generates the desired page and send it back. This led to the fact that the server is engaged in endless pages reloads by request.

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How it works now. Today in trend is the so-called “single-page application” - site, which consists of a (practically) one page with an interface, and the content is loaded when needed. Thus, in addition to the evolvement of servers hardware and its computing power, software development is also expanding, so now the site pages are loading almost instantly. This approach has become especially popular in the social network’s development. So it’s no surprise that Facebook has released open javascript framework, the which allows creating of “reusable UI components”. It’s not downloading the same information, but only adding updated one.

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The single-page application uses a client-server architecture, and in fact, is not much different from other sites that use a similar approach. Most often, in order to achieve maximum performance, backend and front-end written in different languages, each of which is better suited to certain tasks. For example, on a server, you can use Python, Node.JS or PHP, on client-side - Javascript. This approach allows you to create a reusable user interface that is loaded once and does not change from surfing other pages. But the content of each page can be rendered depending on the request.

The development of this concept provides advantages in speed and more advanced user experience. Such technologies allow to load sites lightning fast and switch between them slightly. A developer can divide logic and various programming languages. As a result, everybody is a winner.


What is special about React (why choose reactjs)?

It’s not difficult to guess that React is different from other well-known frameworks, such as Ember or Angular. Unlike others, React is rather small, built on the concept of components and works well with other frameworks and libraries like JQuery etc. And the use of virtual DOM makes it the fastest one as it updates only the changed part of the page. Such implementation of the architecture makes React almost the most productive solution.

How to use it?

As we have mentioned above, reagent - a free library that uses the JSX compiler and similar instruments. Although it is not completely imperative, you are free to use common JavaScript, if you feel more comfortable and faster to write code in such way. To use the framework you need to connect a single file, which is publicly available. Simply it is possible to insert a link - and the global object React will share its useful methods. This framework does not use the MVC, it creates impressions (although the use of “Model-View-Controller” is not restricted, you can use React jointly with it in old or big projects).

Benefits of ReactJS Development

Responsive web development with reactjs

As we mentioned above, this framework works well with web applications, optimizing the “routine” actions allowing to load only the correct information. Experienced design and loading speed, this is what is needed to be the King of the Hill today;

Speed and comfort

Also, the use of separate parts of the application on the client and server gives the advantage to development speed. So every single part can be written by different people or team if necessary. And the design change will not lead to rewriting all the logic again;


If you have previously experience with JavaScript, the deployment of React will not take much of your time. Actually, an experienced developer will be able to master the technology for a day or two;


If you want to use the library, you can stay calm - the decision of integration of this environment is not fatal. React can be easily integrated into existing projects and supports (connects with) a large number of code bases;

Mobile application development using reactjs

If you still thinking that React is good only for web development, you are right only partially. The framework is also great for creating mobile native applications for the most popular platforms - Android and iOS.

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Pros and Cons of ReactJS


1. SEO

Speaking of web sites we must highlight its “relationships” with SEO, especially in the context of the SPA. It is sad, but JavaScript apps are not completely suitable for the needs of SEO, as the internal data is loaded dynamically, and therefore all the markup too. For proper indexing by search engines, you need to think through and create almost certain simple pages.

But not in React.JS. This framework uses virtual DOM and can render information like a complete webpages!

2. Good Response

If you ever happen to forget, then we hasten to remind you - it’s lightning-fast and responsive library;

3. Expand your capabilities and tools

Using a React in a project, you can write on Javascript, as well as on modern JSX. No problems. This approach will allow you to use HTML inserts in code that opens up a huge scope for creativity and increases overall productivity;

4. Testable

In addition, React offers native tools for testing and debugging your code;

5. Components - the future you can touch today

They are reusable and combinable whether you get it - write by yourself or find in the community. It means you can combine two or more average components into one more complex and then reuse it for several times;

6. Always up to date

Seriously, this framework is supported by Facebook developers, which certainly know what and how to do and will not sit still! The project is constantly evolving, and community members are always happy to help with advice or even code samples.


1. It’s slightly difficult to migrate from React

If you suddenly, for no matter which reason, decide to migrate from REACT to something else, you will have to redo the interface again.

But why do we still believe that this is not a problem? It’s simple. Using this framework, you will be writing a front-end separate from the backend, so you do not have to rewrite all the business logic of the application;

2. Patterns

Yes, after all these advantages it’s really hard to find any limitations. , Not many, but they are here: integration of Reac.JS with MVC pattern can be an extraordinary task and may require detailed configuration. Although it is possible, but may cause some difficulties.


Do you still have the question “why choose React”?

In just a few years, the framework has gained immense popularity and love among developers from around the world, and recognition among the many giants of the software industry. And that says a lot.

Why is it so popular among developers? Well, let’s see. The main thing to note - REACT uses not standard solutions: the implementation of a virtual DOM, creating component instead of templates, JSX support which allows you to integrate and insert HTML code directly into JS. Plus, tadd ease of development to those who are even slightly familiar with JavaScript; React Native for mobile platforms and immense performance. We believe that combination of all these factors make a call for React.

Top Reasons to Choose ReactJS for Your Project
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