For many software development companies, the question of choosing development environments for their products is very acute. The problem of selecting libraries and frameworks is generally a quite complicated subject especially in the case of ReactJS vs VueJS or Angular vs React. Often various suppliers offer products really similar in their properties and contents, and to make the more or less weighted decision, long and hard study to understand the capabilities of each is needed.

This problem is especially true in the case of React JavaScript framework comparison with Vue: both the frameworks are ideal for creating additional user elements, both vendors promise the efficient work of their products and, at first glance, the difference between Vue and React is virtually nonexistent.

But is it so at all? Is the choice between React and Vue like choosing the same kind of chocolates from different manufacturers or are they not so similar as it seems at a first consideration?

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In this article, we will try to pit Vue vs React. What to choose? Why choose? How to choose? For a full analysis of the differences, it would be better to consider the characteristics, pros, and cons of each framework first.

First of all, we should note that neither ReactJS nor VueJS can be called the full-scale framework. While full frameworks include the representation layer, React, in fact, is itself a representation, and Vue, though it is considered a full-fledged framework for the development of front-end projects, is simply a useful library in a nutshell.

Let us consider carefully all the positive and negative features of both, to understand which tool is better.

ReactJS framework: big and capable

As mentioned above, React is not a framework per se, but the representation layer, which contains the template language and a number of functions for working with HTML. The resulting code is an HTML document containing components of HTML/JavaScript connectives that store the internal memory status.

ReactJS, of course, is useful in the development, but building a complete application using only React is very hard.

For many developers, the most important and valuable React’s feature is the possibility to build large web add-ons that can be updated without additional page reloads. The main objective of ReactJS is the user interface processing in applications.


Advantages of React JS

Erminesoft ReactJS developers claim that the first positive aspect of working with ReactJS that comes to mind is the ability to see the rendering of the developed component along the source code. This capability was reached by simplifying maximally the manipulation of the virtual DOM (the React tree of JavaScript elements). In fact, React renders the DOM in the browser interface visualizing it in real time. This is very helpful in the development of websites and application interfaces, allowing the developer to look at the product with the “user eyes”.

Another of the main React’s and its ecosystem’s advantages is React Native - the standalone product that allows creating cross-platform user interfaces for mobile apps which require minimal changes to turn them into native. Most of the code is written using React, and, if necessary, the bits for a specific platform are added very quickly. Similar Vue product Weex, is under development by one of the biggest Chinese online retailers, Alibaba, in close cooperation with Vue’s creator for more than a year and exact release date is not clear yet.

Disadvantages of React JS

The main ReactJS disadvantages are considered these:

- Lack of full framework capabilities (no built-in state management system, no built-in database query tools, etc.);

- Large size of the library (despite its “inferiority” as a framework, React weighs as much as Angular JS, for instance);

- The documentation and manuals are too complicated for novice developers.

Pros and cons of React JS: summary

Overall, ReactJS is a great instrument, outfitted with a number of features essential for the development of high-quality application interfaces. The main advantages of this tool are the immediate visualization of the work result, as well as high rendering speed and proficient operation of elements associated with the React. Regarding the deficiencies noted by users, we can say the following: ReactJS was designed from the start as the top of the line representation layer, and it performs its primary role with excellence.

It should be mentioned that though React itself cannot be considered a complete framework, it can be complemented by - Redux. Redux. Redux is one of the most interesting phenomena in a JavaScript world. Citing its creators, “Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps”. It stands out amongfrom the hundreds of existing instruments because it correctly solves many different problems by introducing a simple and predictable states model, its emphasis on functional programming, immutable data, and the compact API. Also, thanks to its popularity, React has a wide and highly developed ecosystem consisting of compatible add-ons, plugins, libraries and frameworks. On the other hand, thanks to the specifics of its DOM manipulation system, using React in parallel with any other tool that changes DOM or parts of thereof is a very challenging task.

Read alsoHow to make a mobile app with ReactJS?

VueJS framework: handy and responsive

VueJS is one of the fastest-growing libraries currently, which is an important indicator of its popularity. Same as the ReactJS, VueJS is not a framework in a complete sense, but the MVVM template layer (the technical definition provided by developers). Let us review pros and cons of Vue JS closely.


Advantages of Vue JS

The ease of development. One of the most notable advantages of Vue JS is that it enables the development of large-scale templates. This not only makes it easier for programmers but also saves a lot of time: thanks to the uncomplicated Vue’s structure, the time spent searching the block containing the error is reduced greatly.

Two-way communication, similar to that in AngularJS framework, in VueJS greatly facilitates and speeds up the HTML blocks handling. Framework’s architecture makes it possible to implement one-way flows too, which is important when working with components.

The ability to control the states. VueJS allows monitoring the development of the interface in real time. VueJS control is executed through the help of props() and data() classes.

Natural thought process. Software engineering in Vue follows the thought process natural for the human, in contrast to most other frameworks, that are oriented to the “machine” mindset.

Disadvantages of Vue JS

The main VueJS disadvantages include the following:

- Small developer community;

- Scarce job market;

- Component props have to be predefined, passing the dynamic structures through props is impossible;

- Single creator, whose opinions are final;

- The creator is a Chinese American and he is very supportive of Chinese development community, that’s why many of the existing plugins are in the Chinese language;

Pros and cons of Vue JS: summary

VueJS is not only a utilitarian but also a quick and easy tool for applications and interfaces development. The simplicity of the code, the possibility of the real-time state management, and most importantly, high rendering speed and efficient component operation are undisputed VueJS dignities.

As for the framework’s shortcomings, the only truly significant VueJS disadvantages might be called the meager English language documentation and a small amount of the respective developer communities.

React JavaScript framework comparison with Vue: which to choose?

Over the initial similarity in the ReactJS vs VueJS features and capabilities set, one would notice that these features are achieved in absolutely different ways.

In reactive elements management, React rewrites the whole structure of browser’s DOM, mirroring it from the virtual one in case of any updates in latter, while Vue directly updates the individual nodes, making it much more compatible with other DOM manipulating tools. It is upon this foundation, the entire difference between ReactJS and VueJS lies. React seems not as flexible in comparison with Vue and a little behind it on the execution efficiency parameters.

VueJS is a great tool because its creator implemented a lot of best ideas inspired by other frameworks, but it still is developing.

Which tool is the best for development? It is hardly possible to find a definite answer to this question. What to choose? ReactJS or VueJS? If you want to be in current trend and earn today, your prime choice would be React, but future belongs to Vue. Many of the market analysts consider Vue the most perspective JavaScript development tool in 2017 placing React second and Angular2 third.

Even at GitHub Vue already has almost the same number of stars as React which is pretty impressive considering that former is much “younger”.

ReactJS vs VueJS: In-Depth Comparison
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