Which comes first the chicken or the egg? We think that first came to the name (which is not really surprising, because we are an IT company in the first place, and after - the philosophers). Let’s try to understand why we decided to start the article this way.

One of the most important components of the application is its name. How can one or more words affect the success of the product? Many things depend on the application name: for example, it plays a key role in the formation of the first user experience. That’s right, not the description, not the functionality of the application, or not even an icon. In addition, pick the right name - is part of work on the ASO. Today, we just try to describe this issue and help you to give a name to your offspring.

So let’s start!

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How to name your app

Almost all developers’ task is to make the application attractive for users. The first thing that people see is not design, internal mechanics or even the description of the store. It’s the name. We will help you choose the ideal app name for your wonderful app idea.

It will be a bad idea to try using the standard approach in naming your application. Why? It’s simple - you are risky to get a boring and mediocre title that users simply will not notice. What do we need? Stand out from the crowd and make the application name which people remember and can easily recommend it to their friends, parents, or even a dog.

Basic rules of naming an app are elementary - the name should be:

• Simple;

• Short;

• Original;

• Reflecting the essence and the main function of the application.

One simple example: the name of the application that helps make comfortable shopping lists for the campaign in supermarkets. It would seem difficult to come up with something bright, memorable and not banal, but reflects the essence of this utilitarian applications. The creators have solved this problem by naming their product «Buy Me a Pie!». Such title feels humorous, original, and not commonplace.

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Tips for naming your app

1. Name = function

One of the main names’ tasks is to inform the user of the application appointment. Seeing the title, the user must be sure what is the function of this application. If it is a flashlight or some hotel booking app, it is logical to specify this in the name of the application. This is the main difference from the usual mobile app naming - you must report the product features.

For example, the company “LitRes” is a great example for this point. Its name is quite informative for users who are not familiar with this brand. Applications, which are the electronic library, called “Read! - E-books and online library … “and” Listen! - Audiobook: easy to download and listen to … ” These are the names containing comprehensive information on the application functionality.

2. Keywords

Pay full attention to keywords. After all, if they are used directly in the title, the traffic may increase many times. Thus, users will be far more likely to find your app in the store. The more precise the entry is, the higher its position will be in the search. Choice of the most effective keywords can be simplified by any of the specialized analytical services, for example, Sensor Tower.

3. Name Squatting

If we put aside the controversial issues and ethics, this method has a chance of success. It works as follows: it’s enough to choose a name consonant or very similar to any known super hit from the top of the table top. What will happen next? Users will enter the name in the search for the original. Of course, it will be placed in the first position in the results and next will be just applications with similar names.

It should be noted that the stores have negative attitude to such a trick, but so far can not do anything, there are no explicit prohibition in the rules, and the method works fine. Suffice it to recall the story of a very successful app Flappy Bird: clones with similar names quickly filled all ratings, and their publishers have earned good revenue in a relatively short period of time.

We are asking to note that we do not encourage this way of doing business. It is much like cheating. We call to be honest and creative. The information was given only for information.

4. App Store and Google Play Terms

When choosing app names, you cannot lose sight of the store’s rules. It will be a shame if because of some minor shortages, your application will be rejected. This applies both for Android and iOS.

For example, App Store rules stipulate that the name and the icon should have 4+ age rating, in spite of the application content. This is logical, the child can read the title without even downloading the app.

In addition, it can not be used as the name of someone else’s registered trademarks.

5. What if the domain with application name is already busy?

Quite simple - it would be enough to add the word «get» to the name . A simple example: there is an application named “Pocket”, but the domain “pocket.com” was busy. Developers just came out of the situation and registered a domain “getpocket.com”. This standard method always makes it easy to get around with the domain problem.

6. Right names for apps are the key to success

Skeptics may say that these recommendations do not affect the success, but the practice proves the opposite.

A short story of the «MyEmotions» application:

According to creators, they first used the classical methods of naming and settled on the name “Internal choice.” The program was sold bad and developers suspected that its name wasn’t good enough. It was too complicated and metaphorical. In a few seconds, users need to understand all about the application when they are scrolling TOPs or searching results. So easy name comes to the fore. What was the result? After the change of the name, the number of installations tripled on the same day!

7. App names generator

Try to use a name generator. If you’re desperate and can not think of a suitable name to your app, to shot in the top 10 positions - just try dotomator.com or nameboy.com.

This can give you an idea of where you need to move on.

8. Few words about ASO

Search Engine Optimization for the AppStore and Google Play is a complex of measures to improve the visibility of mobile applications in the search results. Appstore Search Optimization - shorty ASO.

The ASO has factors that are beyond your control and factors that you can control, test and improve. You can not really control the involvement of the audience, or the positive feedbacks unless you’re using unethical methods and buy ratings, but you can control your application context factors. Under the contextual factors we mean the content displayed on the page of the application. This content plays a major role in improving your position in the ranking.

Some of the factors that can be optimized:

• Name;

• Keywords;

• Description.

9. Name length

You have only 25 characters and no more than 55 characters on Google Play for the name of your application.

In the App Store, it can be up to 255 characters. But the App Store products pages would be displaying 70 characters or less and the App Store search results on the iPhone will display up to 35 characters.

App names ideas have always been a complicated and confusing challenge. We hope that our article will help you choose the right name for your application, that fits your needs.

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If you have additional questions - don’t be shy, feel free to ask. We are happy to answer all of them!

How to Name Your App
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