How much does it cost to promote an app, that is the question? The topic on the agenda - what expenses will be faced in the planning and promotion of your mobile application. We often hear such kind of questions, and as a company that loves its customers, we just could not pass our attention to things like that. After deep analytics, we have come to some conclusions, and it is time to share it with our readers. You have definitely come to the right place if you want to know how much does advertising cost, app marketing pricing and app promotion cost!

This topic is quite extensive and complicated since marketing industry is not constant and quickly (sometimes too fast) developing and so it’s quite hard to be the craze and on the same page with the latest researches. Despite the fact that there is a lot of information and it is freely available, it can quickly become obsolete and lead to ineffective activities. It all results in excessive unplanned expenses.

We bet that you have seen many articles about “the cost of app marketing”, “promotion in the App Store & Google Play,” and other similar topics. Many of it offer to go 10-20-30 steps to bring the app to the top and thereby become popular and earn a lot of money. iOS or Android Ad budget at its finest. Probably not.

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Most often in these articles you find general tips that you can apply to any (even the desktop) application or service, without going into details or the essence of business, build business processes, without resorting to the analysis. These articles may be useful, but such material should be treated with caution, and do not think that this is exactly 100% chrestomathy that will lead you to success. It is necessary to take this as information that just helps you learn something new about app advertising costs, information about the importance of installs and so on.

But the problem is that every idea, every application, and every business are unique and there is no single approach that will cover all aspects. You can not use the same strategy for the promotion of the single screen applications with snapped flies counter and promote a serious, enterprise solutions. Different markets, different audiences, different goals. It would be a counter-intuitive approach using one solution in both cases since the for the first it will be heavy expenditures on advertising, which might not be recouped, or else hang a dead weight around the neck. In the second - effort would not be enough.

Where to begin

Today, the Google Play store, there are about 1.5 million apps that is slightly larger than the App Store and is significantly greater than that of Amazon. With this proposal, the demand must be “pushed”, otherwise, your application runs the risk of simply lost among the millions of others. That is why the marketing strategy begins at the stage of development of the product itself.

The mobile market is presented like never before - soon everyone on the planet will have at least one smartphone with internet access. This is technological marvel. But like everything else, even such a “miracle” has its disadvantages: a large number of devices creates a huge demand for all new mobile services and applications.

Thus, with increasing number of new applications and market application. This means that to date in the most popular app stores like Apple AppStore and Google play market can be seen more than 1.5 million applications. Try to look something in quick, especially if you have not yet installed the necessary application. We can say that doing a lot of action and spending a lot of time, make users no longer feel comfortable.


We will not tire of saying that a critical part of any IT project is precisely the analysis. Analysis of the market, the audience, and geolocation\culture features of doing business in countries that you want to reach. Otherwise, you run the risk of repeating the process of successful entering the market for many times.

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The next step is the calculation of cost to promote your app. Perhaps the main point of the question. And here it is worth mentioning the saying: “The devil is in the detail”. At this point comes the moment of “personalization” of calculations and follow-ups - in simple terms, that in fact, the promotion of further processes depends on many factors.

Notably, we want to say that the promotion campaign should target to meet its budget. What has a greater influence on the sum value? That’s right - monetization. It is necessary to decide how you are going to get benefits from your product as well as how much to spend. For paid applications, payment of daily advertising costs make things easier, because knowing the price of an application, you can easily calculate how much it will generate income and how much of this amount you will spend on promotion. In the case of a free app, the first point is to determine the way of monetization (in-app advertising, paid subscription or additional functions) and only then count the approximate amount that you will receive and spend. In this case, you need to find a certain amount in advance (because the application will start to bring the necessary income not immediately, but after some time). And wait.


Someone might think that “what could be easier than finding sources of promotion - now everyone has internet and accounts on social networks, you need only make a few posts, and everything is settled”. Almost, but not quite. Each site or social network has its own peculiarities and subtleties that experienced marketers know but the untrained person may not know. The same again, wrong actions may cause additional spendings. Did you know that the promotion can be divided into “external” (profile sites, blogs and things like that) and “internal” - promotion on the trading platforms.

The cost of promoting your app

Interesting question, but like the rest of Q&A in this article may be clearly defined only in the case if all the necessary data is known. What scores are needed? To calculate the total cost of the data we are using such terms as a cost per install or CPI, installations per device and the level of Top, in which you are planning to reach (top-5? top-10 etc. We carry out data analysis and statistics gathering on different platforms).

In Average, when calculating finances, you must predict first the number of users\clients, or if you are low on funds, it’s worth thinking about how much you can invoke. Then operate the CPI to predict daily budget.

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Thus, we try to bring to your attention that all the funds, time and effort that have been put into the creation of the final application can be simply vain if the promotion is weak and ineffective. Needless to say about the response of the audience, even when their hopes have been deceived. This is not good for both of brand perception by customers and business as a whole because the loyal audience is the foundation of many business fundamentals.

Do marketing wisely, and we hope that this article has helped you become at least a little bit closer to the process of the right and individual promoting . In any case, if you have the remaining questions - contact us, we will gladly help you!

How Much Does It Cost to Market an App?
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