So, the question on the agenda: how to build an app like yelp and how much does an app like yelp cost. In our blog we often love to confess, what is - to develop a particular application. More often than not, this category includes quite popular and powerful applications that could (to some extent, of course) affect the daily life, to make it easier. So like at this time.

Why might you want to develop yelp-like applications? Let’s find out!

We Are What We Eat

And really - eating is a ritual that we love to repeat many times throughout the day. Because everyone loves to eat hearty and tasty, right? But what to do when you sting in time? For example planning a business meeting over lunch, or suddenly have a free minute, but you do not know where you can eat and you do not want to lose much time?

Of course, you can say that there is a wonderful service like Google Maps, where you can see places near you, and its application presented for all current platforms (like iOS, Android or Windows). But whether such an approach is informative, in any institution can be the price or quality of service? How to find this information quickly, without spending time on the trip to the wrong cafe or restaurant?

Read also: Mobile app development for restaurants

That’s right, in this case, we would be successfully repelled an application that allows to monitor our current position and display a list of available public places, with the ability to view comments (remember - we are limited in time). And, for our joy, Yelp developers thought the same! Such an application shaping can be useful not only for business and leisure travelers but also for many businessmen. But more about that later, now let’s talk about the main features and advantages of apps like yelp.


What is Yelp. It is a modern (even though the project start date - October 2004) website for searching essential services - whether it’s cafes, restaurants or hairdressers. The main feature of this product is the ability to see reviews from other users and post own reviews on the services provided, with some kind of “social” elements.

A project started in San Francisco and in process of time the site began to become popular outside the United States and now has more than 110 countries in the base. According to Wikipedia, at the beginning of 2016, the site was visited by over 142 million unique users per month! And this is a serious bid for success and further growth and prosperity.

How To Earn Additional Credits

Monetizations in applications of this type can be very different depending on the final target audience and field of your service. Therefore, this issue should be defined prior to the project entering its final stage of development. And even more before the release.

The hardest part for many startups in mobile development, is to keep a balance between overwhelming desire to attract new customers and to get necessity benefit. And since some ways to monetize allows earning from the start, and some - after reaching a certain “evolution”, it is worth considering about this in advance. Most likely your decision will depend on factors such as the availability of resources and time for the implementation and promotion of the project.

Unfortunately or fortunately, yelp clone service imposes some restrictions on the available methods of monetization, but opens the backdoor for another. For example, it makes no sense to do some functional of an app fee-paid. If you’ll make pay reviews - there will be an incredibly small amount of it , as well as the people who will use this application.

But a paid subscription will be very helpful if you are targeting a business audience that is up and ready to pay for comfort and saved time.

Read alsoBest ways to monetize an app

Advertising. You always have the opportunity to make a free app with advertising. This is standard, and probably the most common approach to monetizing majority of applications. The advantage of this scheme is the highest spread among users - after all, who does not like high-quality free apps? And unintrusive advertising can be measured, as long as the product meets user requirements.

Mutual benefit. Today is becoming popular a model in which user may be charged a discount or credit for the performance of any small action in the application. For example, repost the note about the launch of the new service, product recommendations to friends or signing up for service’s social networks accounts. The client, for example, receives a discount in the restaurant. So you expand the audience, users can save time and money. The logical question is: what is the public place get? They get the advertising and customers. It’s pretty simple: a cafe or bar pays you for advertising. Thus, the right restaurant can be raised on the list, ranking it above or withdraw its prices more often.

But try not to forget that your main resource are users!

Yelp App Development

The main theme of such an application - is right and timely presented ideas. Guess you will agree, that searching for something in the store may be painful because you will inevitably come across a multitude of popular applications clones. As you know, demand begets supply . So, in this case, it is necessary to make emphasis on the availability and speed of applications, because its main purpose is to save time.

And now let’s talk closely about app like yelp development. So, our recipe is as follows - to make an excellent app you’ll need:

• The first and logical point will certainly be geolocation (no kidding, we’re talking quite seriously). This means that an application must access data from your GPS to determine your location, then to analyze and show the user available options in his district based on request. Whether it’s bars, hotels or gyms.

• It is necessary to clarify that when the question “What type of service to select for the determination of places nearby,” we reply that it is an individual decision. Almost. By the way, our address, where you can feel free to ask us your questions (do not worry, we like to meet new people and interesting communication);

• Social networks integration. Undoubtedly, one of the best indicators of app’s “trendy” is an integration with a variety of popular social networks. The choice is pretty obvious, but if, as we said earlier, you are going to submit your product business people, do not forget to place your bet on professional services such as Linkedin, etc.

Read alsoSocial media app development

What does it mean? For example, a person first starts the application, and before using it he must register first. The app should allow user to register with the help of social networks - it is much simplifying his entry into the service and get rid of the long registration process. You can also add buttons “Tell a friend” and “I like” so customers can easily share new information with each other, thus popularizing your service.

• Places, rating, saving favorites as well as the addition of new places and reviews. Here almost all the main functionality of the application. A great addition would be an opportunity to table reservation. As from application, and with the help of a call, in case a new, or unknown location.

Public places emplacement or rating will help reduce the time needed to search for your favorite one. And the ability to add comments to the records of other users could bring some clarity when opinions diverge from many customers. Also, a plus would be the user rating system - the higher the “level” of one’s account, the credibility and above will be considered opinion of the person who wrote the review.


In this article, we have tried to make the most basic terms, which are necessary for a common understanding of the topic of Zomato, Yelp, or similar app. If we would try to describe all our observations, this may result in an endless series of articles. But if you have a specific or general questions on how to create a review website or application, we are always happy to help. Just email us and we will answer.

Stay tuned, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead!

How To Develop An App Like Yelp
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