Baby Badges

Project skiils: PHP, HTML5, CSS, PDF Generating
Main Page
100+ custom icons
Badges List Page
Earn badges
Rewards List Page
Wein rewards
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No limit for numbers of babies
PDF Generating Form
First Step
PDF Generating Form
Selecting photos
PDF Generating Form
Selecting Cover
PDF Generating Form
Enter Titles
PDF Generating Form

Baby Badges is a tool for busy parents to capture the wonder and memories of their children’s first years. Creating a baby book is a way to capture those dates and details, but all too often that process starts after a year of photos have been taken and memories have already become fuzzy. Baby Badges makes it easy and exciting to record those precious milestones with dates, photos, and stories, and then automatically turn them into a beautiful baby book. Instead of struggling to find photos spread across smartphones and social media, searching for a book printer, and agonizing over page layouts, you’ll be earning badges, unlocking achievements, and receiving valuable and useful coupons as rewards.